
Future models of funding and evaluating transdisciplinary research


Collaboration between researchers and users in producing and combining different types of knowledge is nothing new. But in research environments and cultures that remain largely geared towards mono-disciplinary approaches, it is increasingly recognised that these are ill equipped to address complex, interconnected transdisciplinary challenges.

The UNDISCIPLINED project, led by RoRI Senior Research Fellow Helen Buckley Woods, focuses on the importance of definitions and descriptions of transdisciplinary research (TDR). It investigates how research funders define TDR, the facets of meaning within these definitions, and what can be learned from the different approaches used, within a range of TDR funding programmes. 


UNDISCIPLINED ran for 15 months and it concluded in September 2024. Its outputs include:

  • A working paper presenting three evidence strands:
    • A literature review synthesising evidence on TDR funding practices, what TDR is and how it is defined
    • An analysis of seven call for proposal documents investigating how research funders define and describe transdisciplinary research
    • A series of in-depth case studies on how TDR is funded in practice

  • A RoRI Insights report with practical recommendations for research funders on funding transdisciplinary research

The Nexus Network – an example of a transdisciplinary collaborative funding platform

How do research funders classify and define TDR? What models and methods are used? What can be learned from comparing these approaches?

Collaboration between researchers and users in integrating diverse knowledge is not new. However, mono-disciplinary research remains dominant and struggles to tackle complex challenges. Different responses to this include:

  • Multidisciplinary approaches draw upon the strengths or expertise of different disciplines, and more effectively join up their findings, but leave disciplinary boundaries (and sometimes hierarchies) intact.
  • Interdisciplinary approaches involve the fuller integration of disciplines, to develop potentially novel ways of approaching research questions, recognising that there is a diversity of ways to understand and address particular problems.
  • Transdisciplinary approaches not only integrate expertise from across academic disciplines, but also involve users and stakeholders in the design stage, and throughout the research process. In transdisciplinary research, knowledge can come from beyond formal academic disciplines, and insights may be provided through tacit knowledge – as held by local communities, businesses, social movements or practitioners.

All these approaches are important – as is maintaining the health and strength of underpinning disciplines. Following scoping work with RoRI partners, our UNDISCIPLINED project focused on the funding, evaluation, measurement and impacts of transdisciplinary research.

Transdisciplinary research (TDR) is increasing in part due to growing government demand and public funding being directed towards multifaceted problems. For example, the EU under Horizon Europe has placed more emphasis on mission-driven agendas in public health, education and climate change. At a global level, the UN Sustainable Development Goals have also become a significant factor in the definition and delivery of R&D priorities.

Alongside this growth in TDR, we see new methods to commission, conduct, disseminate and evaluate these forms of knowledge production. Within RoRI, we are well placed to investigate and compare support for, practice, measurement and evaluation of TDR from a funder’s perspective, across different research systems. We brought together perspectives from our partners and the communities they fund to understand more about the benefits of TDR and how best to support those who produce it.

Project team

Helen Buckley Woods, Senior Research Fellow, RoRI 

James Wilsdon, Director of RoRI and UCL-STEaPP

Ismael Rafols, Senior Research Fellow, RoRI and CWTS-Leiden

Partners and steering group

The UNDISCIPLINED project working group was co-chaired by Adelheid Wessler (Volkswagen Foundation).

Project partners include: 

  • Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
  • Dutch Research Council (NWO)
  • Volkswagen Foundation
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
  • Wellcome
  • King Baudouin Foundation
  • We also acknowledge contributions from the Australian Research Council, the Swiss National Science Foundation and UK Research and Innovation.