Woods HB and Pinfield S. Incentivising research data sharing: a scoping review. Wellcome Open Research 2022, 6:355
Rzayeva N, Henriques SO, Pinfield S, Waltman L. 2023. The experiences of COVID-19 preprint authors: a survey of researchers about publishing and receiving feedback on their work during the pandemic. Peer J 11:e15864
Waltman, L., Kaltenbrunner, W., Pinfield, S., & Woods, H. B. (2023). How to improve scientific peer review: Four schools of thought. Learned Publishing.
Stafford T, Rombach I, Hind D et al. Where next for partial randomisation of research funding? The feasibility of RCTs and alternatives. Wellcome Open Research 2023, 8:309
Kaltenbrunner, W., Pinfield, S., Waltman, L., Woods HB and Brumberg, J. (2022). Innovating peer review, reconfiguring scholarly communication: an analytical overview of ongoing peer review innovation activities. Journal of Documentation. Vol. 78 No. 7, pp.429-449
Woods HB, Brumberg J, Kaltenbrunner, W et al. An overview of innovations in the external peer review of journal manuscripts. Wellcome Open Research 2023, 7: 82
Hook, D. W. & Wilsdon, J. R. (2023). The pandemic veneer: COVID-19 research as a mobilisation of collective intelligence by the global research community. Collective Intelligence, 2(1).
Scholarly communication in times of crisis: The response of the scholarly communication system to the COVID-19 pandemic This report analyses how the scholarly communication system – involving the production, evaluation, and dissemination of research outputs – has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.
The experimental research funder’s handbook The experimental research funder’s handbook (2nd edition) The Handbook synthesises insights from funders within the Research on Research Institute consortium that have conducted trials with new approaches to review, allocation and evaluation.
RoRI UNDISCIPLINED workshop & consortium meeting summary report Workshop notes on funding and evaluation of transdisciplinary research, and a summary report of the RoRI consortium meeting in Hannover, 4-5 December 2023
Harnessing the Metric Tide: indicators, infrastructures & priorities for UK responsible research assessment Review revisiting the findings of the 2015 review The Metric Tide to take a fresh look at the use of indicators in research management and assessment.
RoRI Funder Data Platform & CRITERIA project overview An overview of RoRi’s Funder Data Platform, for data-sharing and analysis by research funders, and of the early findings of the CRITERIA study-the first project to use the platform.
Are we all metascientists now? The shifting landscape for research on research James Wilsdon explores how the fields of metascience, meta-research and research on research are evolving and expanding. (February 2024)
Research evaluation in transition: challenges & opportunities James Wilsdon describes progress towards responsible research assessment (RRA) over the past 5-10 years. (July 2022)
Has the tide turned towards responsible metrics? Talk for Northumbria Open Research Week, where James Wilsdon describes progress in agendas for responsible metrics and responsible research assessment (RRA) over the past 5-10 years. (July 2022)
Can we fix it? Are incremental tweaks to research practices, cultures & assessment sufficient, or is it time for more radical change? Presentation to the UKRIO Annual Conference on 25 May 2022 by James Wilsdon
Experiments in evaluation: lessons from randomisation in research funding RoRI-SNSF-EMBO workshop covering insights from a consortium of research funders involved in trials of randomisation in funding, and related experiments in grant allocation. (1 December 2021)
GRAIL: Developing responsible practices for AI and machine learning in research funding and evaluation with a community of learning RoRI Research Fellow Denis Newman-Griffis discussed RoRI’s GRAIL project at the 2024 Data for Policy conference. (July 2024)
Research Funding Landscape Tool This landscape shows 2,890 research fields across all sciences. By changing the size and colour coding, the contribution of a specific research funder to the different fields can be made visible.
Health Research Funding Landscape Tool This landscape shows 1,313 research fields in the health sciences. By changing the size and colour coding, the contribution of a specific research funder to the different fields can be made visible.
A checklist for funder experiments with partial randomisation The checklist is intended as a support tool for research funders looking to experiment with partial randomisation.
Innovating peer review, reconfiguring scholarly communication An analytical overview of ongoing peer review innovation activities
21st Century PhDs: Why we need better methods of tracking doctoral access, experiences and outcomes (RoRI Working Paper No.2)
Career pathways in research Report prepared by a research team at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University, presenting the results of the first phase of the Career Pathways in Research RoRI project.
The changing role of funders in responsible research assessment: progress, obstacles and the way ahead (RoRI Working Paper No.3)
Experiments with randomisation in research funding: scoping and workshop report (RoRI Working Paper No.4)
Good practice in the use of machine learning & AI by research funding organisations: insights from a workshop series
Where next for partial randomisation of research funding? The feasibility of RCTs and alternatives (RoRI Working Paper No.9)
Why draw lots? Funder motivations for using partial randomisation to allocate research grants (RoRI Working Paper No.7)
The pandemic veneer: COVID-19 research as a mobilisation of collective intelligence by the global research community
Transforming excellence? From ‘matter of fact’ to ‘matter of concern’ in research funding organizations