The Missing £4 Billion – new report

In the UK, as in other countries, geographical imbalances in economic performance are exacerbated by regional imbalances in R&D spending. 

In the UK, as in other countries, geographical imbalances in economic performance are exacerbated by regional imbalances in R&D spending. 

A new report for the innovation foundation Nesta, co-authored by Richard Jones (University of Manchester and Associate Director, RoRI) and Tom Forth (Open Data Institute Leeds) outlines 12 recommendations for “levelling up” prosperity and harnessing R&D to redress longstanding regional economic inequality. The report is available free to download here.

Alongside the report, produced in association with RoRI, the authors have developed the Design the Future visualisation tool which lets you experiment with different R&D priorities, and shows you the effect this could have on different places across the UK.